Monday, August 21, 2023

Liz visited from NZ

 Today, while Liz was staying with me before returning to NZ, I called a pop-up sewing day.

Glenda and Elaine came and between us all we now have two quilts tacked ready to be quilted.

When the orphan block quilt was tacked we put it on the design wall to work out where the embellishments would go. It is looking good.

The other quilt ready for quilting is Elaine's pretty flowers but I do not have a photo of it or Elaine.

Elaine also labelled the Broken Dishes quilt and that is now ready to be claimed by anyone who would like it.

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

I hadn't seen this in it's raw state as in the blocks until I saw your post earlier here........You did so well making it fit together.........