Tuesday, January 4, 2022

So where did we get to by the end of 2021?

 Our Christmas gathering of 2021 was a small crowd. We enjoyed lunch together at the Carss Park cafe but then repaired to my place for a scrumptious afternoon tea. Elaine left straight after lunch and Kathryn could not join us because she was still counting votes in the recent elections and we missed them both.

So here is a little recap of where we are up to and where we will start 2022...

The green Ohio Stars are coming together nicely and we are in the process of adding narrow sashing between the rows.

The blue Friendship Stars  are so many that we've decided to make two quilts. Because of the twisting nature of the stars, only blocks of the same size can really show up the movement when they are joined. Hence, our first top now needs a narrow deep purple border before going further. It will make a single bed topper.

From the remaining blocks shown in the next to photos we'll make another quilt top.

We have three projects that have not appeared on the design wall yet...

Glenda's flowers and Jeanette's Briar Rose are waiting in their boxes. If you have any of those at home please send them back as soon as you can.

Stephanie's Shiny Blue and Silver are not due back until our first gathering so please make sure you are enjoying that little bit of creativity and post it back if you are not going to be here.

Soon I'll send out a 2022 timetable and requirements email but as I've had the flu (not Covid) for over a week now I've been a bit slack.

Happy New Year to you all.

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