Friday, September 25, 2020

Carol's challenge

Carol came to collect her next fabric the other day and took home the Winding Ways blocks as I had received the last ones and made one more to complete another row. Carol's challenge is that the blocks are a mixture of 9", 9 1/4" and 9 1/2". So we've decided to trim to 9 1/4" and stretch the 9" ones. Some blocks will lose their corners. Que sera sera!

Today, because I had received the last of the Ohio Star blocks back I started to randomly pin them up on the design wall. I think it is going to be quite a good overall look and will end up about 48 x 49". Ask me about the maths sometime.

All the spaces between various blocks can be filled with the flying geese and other scraps we have available that people have made and maybe even some strips of the focus fabric. We'll see what happens when anyone comes to help. It is interesting to see how the contrasts work and how some don't.


Botanical Traveller said...

Actually, you don't have all of them, Betty - mine is still being made. Should be ready by next week. Cheers, Karen

Anonymous said...

I look forward to receiving yours Karen.