Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October already

Last Saturday we started our day together with Karen and I being the only ones there for about an hour. So we made some decisions for the group. The early birds catch the worms.

  • Karen chose our next fabric and block design which was donated by Carol. Most people will have received their fabrics by now and I will do the instructions soon.
  • As I had been a little concerned about the randomness of the Random.org site we've been using to draw our next quilt winner I wrote everyone's name on a piece of card and have them in a little bag to draw from. 
  • This led to discussion about what to do about those who had already won this year so the decision was: as your name is drawn it automatically gets removed from the draw bag for the calendar year whether you decide to keep the quilt or donate it to charity.  This will be a simpler system and everyone will get a chance equally in any one calendar year.
  • Now for a new part of our days together. Karen and I both had a bit of show and tell so we decided that at about 11:30 each gathering we could have a show and tell time. Most people are there by 11:30 and have not yet left for any clashing engagements so it seemed like a good time.

If you have suggestions about how to run the group then please come early and talk them through.

We spent time marvelling at our latest quilt. Elaine started by attaching the label.

Lynette won the draw to decide what to do with it. She has decided to donate it to charity so if anyone knows a suitable charity please let me know.

Our next task was to sandwich the Posy Quilt. First the backing had to be pieced so Karen W and Carol got busy with that.

After much measuring and moving the top we all took part in the taking. What a pity that our alignment is a bit out with the backing but I'm sure we'll be able to cope. It just won't look as good as it was going to on the back.

My show and tell was how to make postage stamp blocks with perfectly butted corners and very straight rows of tiny pieces. These 1.25" samples were given to me by a friend years ago and I've tried a few times to put them together. This time I used very fine iron-on interfacing to arrange them then sewed them together. Click on this picture and it will enlarge so you can see the results. The pink one is finished and the orange one is half done.

I can do a demo for anyone who would like it. Previously I have achieved this good result using plasticised paper to iron onto but removing the paper is a bind. Click here if you'd like those instructions.

The other thing I showed was a Japanese bag made from two squares of fabric. I've put more pictures up on my own blog. If you'd like to access this please just let me know.

Karen's show and tell was her hand pieced hexagon project. It will be great when it is done. We all need a hand sewing project for in front of TV or when we travel.

Below we have arranged our seminole strips that have come in so far. Click on it to enlarge it too. They are magnificent!

Towards the end of the afternoon Stephanie started putting the blocks we had received from her fabric donation onto the design wall. They will look stunning too.

So don't forget, come early and often! And please contact me if you'd like a pop-up sewing day any time.

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