Thursday, April 15, 2010

Freezer Paper Applique

At our last quilting weekend Robyn brought along one of her quilts to show us where she has used Freezer Paper Appliqué. She then gave us a demonstration so here are her instructions.

1.Trace shape on dull side of freezer paper.

2. Cut out the shape on the traced line.

3. Iron shiny side to wrong side of fabric with a dry iron, allowing ¼ in around shape. It is easier to turn seam allowance if as much of the shape is on the bias as possible. Freezer paper will peel off easily if you make a mistake and can be repositioned and ironed again.

4. Cut around shape including the ¼ in seam allowance. 
5. Snip to within a couple of threads at inside points E.g. inside point of a  heart shape.
6. At outside points trim fabric off to almost the paper and turn sides over. These may also need a little trimming if point is too bulky. E.g. leaf points.

7. Press seam allowance to inside or you can fold as you sew.

8. Pin appliqué to base fabric. If appliqué is large it is better to baste it. If appliqué is very small peel the paper off before stitching.

9. If possible start stitching on a straight edge. Use thread matching the appliqué fabric. Bring thread up from wrong side of base fabric catching a thread of the appliqué under the edge so that it will be unseen.
10. Continue stitching leaving a small gap so that paper can be removed with tweezers. Stitch gap closed.
11. If appliqué is large it is better to completely sew it in place and then make a small hole in base fabric through which to remove paper.
12. It is possible to reuse a freezer paper template several times if you manage not to mangle it in the above process. 

Our previous lesson from Robyn was fusible webbing appliqué.

There are quite a few video web tutorials. I have linked to a few here:

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