Sunday, February 23, 2025

Stephanie is keeping busy with bags

 Stephanie is making bags...

I like the square ones.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A new quilter in the making

 Artie is a young lady interested in patchwork and quilting. She came to mine with her first bundle of fat quarters last weekend and we played. After some discussion about the sorts of designs she liked and a lot of browsing through books and online she decided on a block.

This was followed by lessons on grid paper and some colour play. We searched my stash for some plains to add to her patterned fabrics.

Then we started... ta da!

Artie's first block! She is coming back this weekend to choose another block for a sampler in her chosen colours.

This was just what I needed as I am in house arrest while my hip heals and my movement strengthens.