Thursday, February 1, 2024

Karen's Temperature Quilt

 Sydney Temperatures 2021

Here are pics of the front and back of my weather quilt, tracking the daily maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall (> 5 mm) for Sydney in 2021. I used the weather data for Sydney Observatory, which is the closest BOM site to us. The quilt has the biggest label that I've ever made with the key to temperatures, etc. 

The 'Sydney 2021' label on the front of the quilt was an experiment, using waxy paper from the wrapper of a ream of paper ironed onto the pinkish red fabric so that I could put it through the printer. It worked fine - a handy hint for anyone else wanting to print on their own fabric rather than on the ready-stiffened calico one can buy. 

And another hint for the standard label on the back, sewing a frame of the backing (or another suitable fabric) around the printed stiffened label makes it much easier to hand sew the label neatly to the back. In this case I used the bird fabric as the frame for  my big label.

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

oh wow I like the effect of that quilt style for a temperature quilt also......